I usually write my subject line last, trying to grab a catchy quote from what I’ve written. Hopefully some sort of reference to sex and drugs because those things are more exciting than the boring work that goes into sitting down to do your most creative work or develop strategies for maintaining a sliver of sanity.
And so, yes, the Internet is overwhelming. I especially find Instagram to be the most overwhelming of them all. I had gone back and forth on this one over the years, even shutting down my original account in 2020. Now when I go in to “post & ghost” my podcast or a new music release, I feel like I’m literally holding my breath while I go through the motions.
Maybe this quote from The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is applicable:
To be alive is the biggest fear humans have. Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive - the risk to be alive and express what we really are. Just being ourselves is the biggest fear of humans.
The common fantasy for many introverts is to do away with visual social media, but I think it’s important to follow your fears as they create a map for you on the hero’s journey. It’s part of the challenge that you sign up for when you decide at some point that you wish to share music or art with the world.
So that should segue nicely into this week’s podcast which is filmed in my childhood bedroom with the bare minimum equipment. As such, it’s rough around the edges, but I enjoy creating scratchy productions.
In a world where everything is painted with too many layers of lacquer like the iconic Les Paul guitar which weighs the player down, let’s keep stripping the paint away and show who we really are.
Sleepy Tea Ritual and Fake Spotify Artists at Bedtime on Elliott’s Podcast
The music in this episode is paired with a sunrise at Head Lake in Algonquin Park (Ontario, Canada), and I mentioned that the night before we had a superb view of the night sky.
Here is one shot I took of the disappearing moon, followed by one from Adam’s newer iPhone that could capture the stars remarkably. The part that was omitted from this story is that while we were capturing the night sky, a frickin’ weasel was taunting us from up in a tree.
May your inner star keep shining bright… See you next week,
p.s. My Instagram is here.