I recently met a girl who said, “what self respecting adult doesn’t drink coffee?”. That was the first red flag, but as someone who has gone mostly decaf this year, I can’t deny that I started adding a bit more of the black crack to my morning blend out of a subconscious desire to win over her favour.
Because I didn’t want to get caught up in a situation where I would be offered a fully caffeinated brew and have to turn it down out of not having adequate tolerance
As the weeks went by and the flower that she represented in my mind turned into a weed, I realized that I was now caffeinated.
Bit by bit, it had seeped back into my life experience.
Still no more than 1/4 of the brew, but enough for me to realize that for someone who wakes up at 5:15am, being able to go to sleep early is one of the most important components to my mental health.
And the more caffeine I have, the harder it is to wind down at night.
When you first detox from caffeine, it can take weeks to regain a sense of wellbeing. With this recent shedding, it was only one afternoon of headaches that I treated with Advil. And maybe it was a way to shed my fixation on coffee girl.
Because any time another person or external force has you changing the way you operate, then you are straying from the path.
Because my readers who are happy with their current relationship could probably write me back and tell me that their significant other accepts them just the way they are (with some give or take).
If I want to drink decaf or dandelion root for a few months, then that’s the way it’s going to be and I don’t want any wise cracks about it.
Resist the urge to idly pass time.
I do it by sitting on the couch and scrolling through meaningless content, even if the content is pretty bang on for my tastes.
It’s meaningless because the outcome is often just more scrolling or worse, comparison - which is called the thief of joy.
You’re going to hate me for this one - next time you are waiting in line see if you really need to crank your neck down at your phone.
Mindfulness is a way of accessing the 80% of the world that is hidden behind the 20% of life experience - also known as the world of matter and form.
Be weary of getting caught up in that 20%. Everything looks and feels so real when you are out for a walk with your friends or playing golf in the beautiful forest.
Yet you are only in that experience as a visitor, merely passing through.
Be careful not to hold on to those experiences so tightly. Because just as fast as they appeared, they can be removed like the rug being taken out from underneath you.
You might get upset with me for challenging your addiction to what is known and comfortable, but only by getting familiar with the things that scare you or make you insecure, will you ever be free of this rollercoaster.
I recently started drinking Golden Milk in the evening, but I use chocolate almond milk. I have been experiencing much better sleep.
I recently turned down a very large job because the client demanded that I sign their 42 page contract. I wanted them to sign my 1 page proposal.
I will be 75 in 2 months.
I have earned the right to make my own decisions and not go against my laurels.
Do what makes you feel comfortable. Don’t EVER give in to anyone that wants you to do what makes them happy, but doesn’t fit in with your beliefs.
Happy Holidays my friend.