Nice article today. Enjoyable reading for a rather chilly Philly morning. Unfortunately, no sports to watch today. Waiting for the Phillies to start playing. Maybe we’ll have a good year and get another parade.Have a great week.

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Thanks Ira, it has been funny to go from the perfect weather of Medellin (every day), to the huge dumping of snow in Toronto this month. The cold weather keeps me productive though. Wishing you a great week too.

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The little moments really do make a difference. I tried to look people in the eye this week when services were exchanged: the coffee barista, the person checking me in for yoga. To say thank you and for them to really feel it.

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Oh I love this so much. I also think about how this extends to our digital connections - ie turning the video on in a group call even though the inclination or the standard seems to be to keep it off.

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